Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD.Cry out!
Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my supplications!
I join the faithful who have cried out,
Hannah in her childless anguish,
the Israelites enslaved by Pharaoh,
Job out of his deep pain,
Bartimaeus out of his blindness,
Jesus from the cross...
My prayer is their prayer;
their prayer is my prayer:
"Lord, have mercy upon us!"
You alone know my anguish;
You alone know my need;
You alone know my failures;
You alone know how often
I have sinned against You
in thought, word, or deed
by what I did or by what I left undone.
"Lord, have mercy upon us!"
Kyrie Eleison.
"Christ, have mercy upon us!"
Christe Eleison.