Friday, November 21, 2014

Thank you, God, for the influence of young and old

Thank you God,
for the people of the Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church. 
The people in this church, young and old, 
have influenced me in so many ways.
They have nurtured me through love and faithfulness 
in times that I needed it the most. 

The people in this church have strengthened my faith 
by providing a firm foundation for me to stand 
 when I feel the sand shifting beneath my feet. 

They have recognized spiritual gifts in me 
that I would have never known existed. 

Their wisdom, encouragement, and guidance 
has taught me how to use my gifts to share Your Word. 

For the people of the Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church,
I have always been and will continue to be 
eternally grateful!
In Christ's name, 

written by Marc Edge
Ruling Elder
Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Dedication Sunday at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
will be Sunday, November 23 during 11am worship.
Pray about how God is calling you to commit
your time, talent, and money to serve Christ through the church.

The above prayer is from 
a series of prayers of thanksgiving
written to celebrate the 180 years 
of ministry of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.
These prayers are being used 
as part of this year's stewardship materials.

What would prayer of thanksgiving to God
would you write about your church?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lord, we thank you for our youth leaders and mentors

Lord, we thank you
for our youth leaders and mentors
who offer unconditional love, 
listening ears and open hearts 
to nurture the spiritual growth of our children. 

 We thank you for our minister, Chris Denny and 
all that he has brought to our church and 
to our personal lives through his daily prayers, 
his words of wisdom and 
his kind heart as he nurtures the spiritual growth of us all.

written by Judith & Bryon Scott, Emily & Spencer
members of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Dedication Sunday at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
will be Sunday, November 23 during 11am worship.
Pray about how God is calling you to commit
your time, talent, and money to serve Christ through the church.

The above prayer is from 
a series of prayers of thanksgiving
written to celebrate the 180 years 
of ministry of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.
These prayers are being used 
as part of this year's stewardship materials.

What would prayer of thanksgiving to God
would you write about your church?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Who am I?

Who am I?
By Rev. Christopher Denny

Who am I?
I am
A Beloved Child of God
Son of Glenda and Charles Denny
Younger brother of Jeff Denny
Husband to Alle Denny
Father to Charles Denny
Bridge builder
In need of others
Story carrier

Who am I?
I am Loved.
Loved by God.
Loved by my parents.
Loved by my brother.
Loved by my wife.
Loved by my son.
Loved by my church.
Loved by my friends.

I live Love.
Love God.
Love family.
Love wife.
Love son.
Love church.
Love creation.
Love friends.
Love all I meet for Christ’s sake.

Lord, thank you for ministries of this church

thank you for ministries of this church.

Thank you for LOGOS 
and the way that it brings our children closer 
to the leaders of the church.

Thank you for the music ministry 
and those that contribute their time and talents.

Thank you for Joe Melvin and the other Sunday school teachers 
that engage us in discussion of God’s Word. 

And thank you for our pastor, Chris Denny 
and the positive influence he brings to our church family.
Thank you for his many gifts 
and the purpose for which he uses them. 

Thank you for all of these things 
and help us to be better stewards 
of the gifts you have bestowed upon us.

written by Paul Evans
Ruling Elder
Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Dedication Sunday at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
will be Sunday, November 23 during 11am worship.
Pray about how God is calling you to commit
your time, talent, and money to serve Christ through the church.

The above prayer is from 
a series of prayers of thanksgiving
written to celebrate the 180 years 
of ministry of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.
These prayers are being used
as part of this year's stewardship materials.

What would prayer of thanksgiving to God
would you write about your church?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wednesday Sunrise at Mo Ranch

"Wednesday Sunrise at Mo Ranch "
by Chris Denny

Up the hill we walked
And we turned aside to see
The river flowing in the bend
And we waited.

The buzzards circled in the distance.
Yucca grew from a stump.
Deer tracks at our feet,
Creation had waited before.

Red orange slivers cut the distant clouds
Slowly, so patiently slow 
the sky grew orange.
And then it seemed as if 
Earth gave birth to a son.

The bright orb rose quickly
Bathing the hillside in light.
And sister Moon watched her brother
From her perch in the sky
Her face half turned beckoning
Him to come out and play.

The above reflection/prayer was written while I was at Mo Ranch in Texas during a week of self reflection and discernment called CREDO.

Friday, November 14, 2014

We thank you, God, for all the blessings

We thank you, God,
for all the blessings you have given us.
Thank you for giving this church,
so we can worship you.
Help us have servant hearts and hands.

We pray for peace and understanding of all nations.
We ask all this in your Son's name.

written by Lisa DeVane
Ruling Elder
Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Dedication Sunday at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
will be Sunday, November 23 during 11am worship.
Pray about how God is calling you to commit
your time, talent, and money to serve Christ through the church.

The above prayer is from 
a series of prayers of thanksgiving
written to celebrate the 180 years 
of ministry of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.
These prayers are being used
as part of this year's stewardship materials.

What would prayer of thanksgiving to God
would you write about your church?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thank you, God, for the love and support

Thank you, God,
for the love and support
of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
through all our live's journey.
There have been good times and sad times.
Our church family was there for us through it all.
For the warmth extended by the congregation then and now,
O God, we thank you.
We are blessed.

written by Melrose & Roy Lomax
members of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Dedication Sunday at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
will be Sunday, November 23 during 11am worship.
Pray about how God is calling you to commit
your time, talent, and money to serve Christ through the church.

The above prayer is from 
a series of prayers of thanksgiving
written to celebrate the 180 years 
of ministry of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.
These prayers are being used
as part of this year's stewardship materials.

What would prayer of thanksgiving to God
would you write about your church?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Thank you, God, for a people and a place

Thank you, God,
for a people and a place
that inspire not only inspire our souls in worship
but also our lives in service.
Thank you for the past 180 years
at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
of both pastors and people together
proclaiming God's saving love
in words and acts of compassion.

written by Rev. Chris Denny
Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Dedication Sunday at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church
will be Sunday, November 23 during 11am worship.
Pray about how God is calling you to commit
your time, talent, and money to serve Christ through the church.

The above prayer is from 
a series of prayers of thanksgiving
written to celebrate the 180 years 
of ministry of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.
These prayers are being used
as part of this year's stewardship materials.

What would prayer of thanksgiving to God
would you write about your church?