Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Part 2 - Reviewing this year; looking toward next year.

Part two:  See Part one here.

At the end of the year, I encourage you to review last year with an eye toward where God was at work and what God might be calling you to do today and into next year, a spiritual practice sometimes called, Examen.


In addition to 3 questions from yesterday's post, I found the following questions helpful:


4. What brings you joy? What are ways you can do it more often?



5. Make of list of what you are grateful for in the past year and thank God for each.



6. What do you look forward to in the coming year? Dream it and go for it.

The above questions were adapted from: 


Monday, December 30, 2024

Reviewing this year; looking toward next year: Part 1

As we come to the end of the year, I encourage you to use the spiritual practice of Examen—a review of the past with an eye toward where God was at work and what God might be calling you to do today and into the future.


I found the following questions helpful:



1. What can you leave behind to make space for something better in the coming year?



2. What is something you’ve been too afraid to do this year that would bring you closer to God’s dream for your life?



3. What are three of your strengths and what are ways you can use them to serve God adding more value to your life and the lives of others?




In addition to these 3 questions, I found the next 3 questions coming in tomorrow’s post helpful.


The above questions are adapted from the following:
