from a sermon based on Psalm 145 preach on November 13, 2022
When all the world seems to be going right, praise the Lord.
When everything seems to be falling apart, praise the Lord.
When your blood work comes back good, praise the Lord.
When the diagnosis is not so good, praise the Lord.
When your legs are strong and carry you along, praise the Lord.
When your steps falter, then kneel at the altar and praise the Lord.
When your pie comes out right,
And your turkey is a delight, praise the Lord.
When your cake does not rise,
And your run out of thighs, praise the Lord.
When you kick the ball
And you fall, praise the Lord.
When your team loses the game
And the score is a shame, praise the Lord.
When your makeup runs down your face,
And when you slide into 2nd base, praise the Lord.
When you get your lines just right,
And when your pants get too tight, Praise the Lord.
And the words come out wrong, praise the Lord.
When you hope the sermon’s a winner
But you know it’s time for dinner, praise the Lord.
In every time and every circumstance, praise the Lord.