O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice;Lord,
in the morning I plead my case to you, and watch.
I come to you in prayer
because you invite me to come,
to share my longings,
to share my heart, my hurts,
my dreams, my worries.
I speak, and you listen.
But I'm not as good at the 2nd half of prayer:
you speak, and I listen.
Today, O God, help me keep watch,
watching for how you are answering my prayers,
watching for where you are at work,
watching for where you are calling me to join in your work,
watching for your love, your grace, your peace.
This morning I plead my case to you.
Help me watch.
And now as I end my prayer,
may I open my eyes not to end my devotion,
but to watch for your reign in our midst.
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