Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Acts 2:42
"They devoted themselves
to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
what am I devoted to?
If someone looked at my daily life,
what would they say I devoted myself to?
Gmail, Facebook,
conversations with people, time at my desk,
my phone, food!

the early church committed itself to four key acts:
1) the apostles' teaching --
telling the stories of faith,
studying and learning and sharing
who God is and who we are as the children of God,

2) fellowship --
yes, having fun together, but more than that
being the family of God,
caring for and praying for and loving each other
the needs of one became the needs of all,
the burdens of one were shouldered by all.
They shared ALL things in common ...
their worries, fears, joys, prayers, loves, needs, resources, help, food...
all shared together in koinonia fellowship

3) breaking of the bread --
sharing a meal -- daily bread
sharing THE meal -- Eucharist, the bread of life
table fellowship, eating together, and all that comes with a meal
hospitality, sharing, serving, thanking, praising, nourishing, telling stories...
it all happens at the table
fed on grace, forgiven and reconciled,
a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come,

4) prayers --
They prayed with and for one another.
They worshiped together:
praise, confession, lament, thanksgiving, calling, sending, giving, asking, receiving.
They prayed THE prayer.
Joining with all the saints and with Jesus himself praying:
Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name...

Today may I be devoted to you
in all I say and do.

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