Thursday, June 12, 2014


Matthew 28:19
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Sending God,
like a mother bird,
you push us out of the nest,
for you know its the only way we'll learn to fly.

We've watched you take off.
We've seen your wings of grace stretch out
and with a powerful act
you have launched into flight
soaring to the heights.

The stories of the Bible
reveal your grace
demonstrating your powerful acts
modeling for us
in real and tangible ways through the lives of the faithful
and most powerfully in Jesus Christ
life and faith, obedience and faithfulness,
love and loving, grace and forgiving,
challenge and calling, dying and rising.

But now you say its our turn --
our turn to go,
our turn to act with grace,
our turn to leave the comfort of the Bible stories
and to live out our faith
discovering the power of your Spirit at work
in, with, and under our outstretched arms
to be the Body of Christ in real and tangible ways today.

Help us live up to that calling.

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