Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Beyond my Comfort Zone

some days you call;
some days you beckon;
some days you woo;
some days you tell;
some days you order;
some days you push...

Today I feel you push
beyond my needs,
beyond my worries,
beyond my own troubles
into the lives of others.

Today's push from you
is beyond my comfort zone.
Today you are pushing me
to partner with others
and pray as part of my congregation's prison ministry.
Indeed, beyond my comfort zone.

By your push,
renew my conviction
that no matter who and not matter what:
"You are a Child of God,
and I will treat you that way."
May I live that out
with those in prison tonight.

So on this week that leads to Pentecost
and the gift of your Spirit,
blow in my life
your Spirit of calm,
your Spirit of truth,
your Spirit of compassion,
your Spirit of intercession.

May the words of my mouth
and the meditations of our hearts
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord our Rock and our Redeemer.

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