Journey to Jerusalem: IN BODY & SOUL
The Journey to Jerusalem must focus on the path ahead. There will be many distractions along the way: sports, hurts, joys, sorrows, temptations, and failures. Our pilgrimage requires discipline and focus.
Luke 10:38-42
I am trying to follow you.
I am trying to walk the path before me
But there are so many distractions:
family and friends who turn my head to look their way,
political debates and ads that seek to divide and obfuscate the issues,
opportunities for self-satisfaction and instant gratification,
chances to "save the day" and be a "hero",
lots of good to be done!
And yet to Martha,
you say,
"There is need of only one thing."
What is that one thing for me?
What is the one thing I need?
What is the one thing you want from me?
What is the singular focus that you offer?
Søren Kierkegaard prayed:
"You who gives
both the beginning and the completion
may you early,
at the dawn of the day,
give to the young
the resolution to will one thing.
As the day wanes,
may you give to the old
a renewed remembrance
of that first resolution,
that the first may be like the last
and the last like the first --
in possession of a life
that has willed only one thing,
To know God."
Today, Lord,
May I will only one thing:
to know you.
During Lent at Westminster Presbyterian Church, we are committing to journey the 6,284 miles
from Columbia, South Carolina to Jerusalem, Israel in our walking, running, swimming, cycling, etc. Track your miles and submit them: www.westminsterpres.org LET'S GO!!
Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”
I am trying to follow you.
I am trying to walk the path before me
But there are so many distractions:
family and friends who turn my head to look their way,
political debates and ads that seek to divide and obfuscate the issues,
opportunities for self-satisfaction and instant gratification,
chances to "save the day" and be a "hero",
lots of good to be done!
And yet to Martha,
you say,
"There is need of only one thing."
What is that one thing for me?
What is the one thing I need?
What is the one thing you want from me?
What is the singular focus that you offer?
Søren Kierkegaard prayed:
"You who gives
both the beginning and the completion
may you early,
at the dawn of the day,
give to the young
the resolution to will one thing.
As the day wanes,
may you give to the old
a renewed remembrance
of that first resolution,
that the first may be like the last
and the last like the first --
in possession of a life
that has willed only one thing,
To know God."
Today, Lord,
May I will only one thing:
to know you.
During Lent at Westminster Presbyterian Church, we are committing to journey the 6,284 miles
from Columbia, South Carolina to Jerusalem, Israel in our walking, running, swimming, cycling, etc. Track your miles and submit them: www.westminsterpres.org LET'S GO!!
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