March 17, 2022
Prayer for Week 3
Eternal God,
in the reading of the Scripture, may your
Word be heard;
in the meditations of our hearts, may your
Word be known;
and in the faithfulness of our lives, may
your Word be shown. Amen.
John 21:4-6
Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the
beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them,
“Children, you have no fish, have you?” They answered him, “No.” He said to
them, “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So
they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so
many fish.
what is our congregation “fishing”?
is Jesus telling our congregation to “cast the net”?
What would it be like for our congregation to “catch so many fish”?
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