Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Journey to Jerusalem: We Made It!!

We made it!! The Journey to Jerusalem comes to an end. The 6,150 miles from Elizabethtown, NC to Jerusalem, Israel ends with us standing within the walls of the great city.

In some ways, yes, we have come to the end; we have reached our destination. And yet, we are beginning again, a new phase, a new journey.

I'm reminded of a great hymn that ends:
In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity;
In our doubt there is believing; in our life, eternity,
In our death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory,
Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.
that's the hopeful news
of Easter, of faith, of life.
One end is really a new beginning.

Your death, Lord Jesus,
is an end,
but it makes way for
your transforming RESURRECTION!

We watch and wait.
We hope and wonder.
We walk into Holy Week
very aware of its pain and suffering.
But we do so knowing
the new beginning that comes
after the Silence of Holy Saturday.

Lord, you are our end --
the goal toward which our lives move.
Lord, you are our beginning --
the hope the sends us forth to join you
in transforming the world
for Christ's sake.

Together we made it all 6,150 miles.  Thank you to all who journeyed with us. Now let us take up the journey that leads from the Good News into the world!

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